ecoXeal®HD applied as a black top layer, is an environmentally safe, black polymer-based liquid soil additive that penetrates and binds soils particles together into a hardened and moisture resistant overcoat,sealing and stabilizing the base, and effectively protecting the road against water penetration, oxidation, dust pollution and erosion.
ecoXeal®HD applied as a black top layer, is an environmentally safe, black polymer-based liquid soil additive that penetrates and binds soils particles together into a hardened and moisture resistant overcoat, sealing and stabilizing the base, and effectively protecting the road against water penetration, oxidation, dust pollution and erosion.
In addition, when applied in combination with ecoXeal®① or ecoXeal®①+, ecoXeal®HD improves friction and significantly reduces both braking and stopping distance, resulting in a black alternative paved road for a fraction of the cost.
Improved performance, rich black aspect and reliability make ecoXeal®HD a high quality product when for traffic or budget reasons another wearing surface like asphalt is not cost-effective.
Furthermore, ecoXeal®HD is water diluted, doesn’t contain EPA restricted substances nor disperse any VOC contamination in the atmosphere or otherwise.
ecoXeal®HD will be distributed in 2 or more diluted applications in the quantities determined by the soil laboratory analysis results, (depending on the depth penetration, approximately between .15 and .20 US Gallons per square yard or between about 0.7 and 1 L/m² of undiluted ecoXeal®HD)