ecoXeal®HD+ is an eco-friendly, high-quality black co-polymer emulsion suited for maintenance of asphalt and chip seal road rejuvenation and service life extension.
ecoXeal®HD+ is an eco-friendly, high-quality black co-polymer emulsion suited for maintenance of asphalt and chip seal road rejuvenation and service life extension.
Reducing oxidation, extending service life and preventing additional degradation, ecoXeal®HD+ extends positively the duration of asphalt roads by adding a safe and strong layer of protection.
Unparalleled and inexpensive for resurfacing and overcoating worn asphalt surfaces, ecoXeal®HD+ fills small cracks, binds and seals detached aggregates and particles together, with unparalleled adherence to the pavement.
Furthermore, ecoXeal®HD+ is water diluted,doesn’t contain EPA restricted substances nor disperse any VOC contamination in the atmosphere or otherwise.
Water diluted in a standard water-truck for distribution, in the proportions determined by the actual conditions of the surface and to avoid potential slippery overflow (approximately .15 US Gallons per square yard or about 0.7 L/m² of undiluted ecoXeal®HD+), ecoXeal®HD+ restore the integrity of asphalted roads, doing no harm to persons or vehicles.